Buy McAfee LiveSafe 2020 - 10 Devices 1 Year CD Key and Compare Prices

  • Buy McAfee LiveSafe 2020 - 10 Devices 1 Year CD Key and Compare Prices
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Discover the Digital Fortress: McAfee LiveSafe 2020

In a world where cyber threats lurk around every digital corner, imagine having a digital fortress that keeps your devices safe, no matter where you are or what you're doing. That's the peace of mind McAfee LiveSafe 2020 offers. Designed for up to 10 devices, this protective software is your personal bodyguard, tirelessly working 24/7 to ensure your digital world is as safe as houses.

Your Personal Cyber Bodyguard

Picture this: You're rushing to meet a deadline, bouncing between your laptop, smartphone, and tablet. You click on a link from an email that seems legit, but it's a phishing scam. With McAfee LiveSafe 2020, you don't need to sweat it. It's your cyber bodyguard, stepping in before you make that click, warning you about the potential danger.

A Castle that Shields Every Device

Whether you're an Apple aficionado, a die-hard Windows user, or a dedicated Android fan, McAfee LiveSafe 2020 has your back. It's like a castle that shields up to 10 devices, serving as a digital moat to fend off malware, viruses, and ransomware attacks. It's an all-in-one solution, tailored to provide comprehensive protection without slowing down your devices.

Password Manager: Your Digital Gatekeeper

In the vast kingdom of your digital life, passwords are the keys to the kingdom. But managing them can be a royal pain. McAfee LiveSafe 2020 includes a password manager to guard your digital keys, helping you create and store complex passwords. It's like having a reliable gatekeeper for your castle, one who never forgets a key.

Safe Family: Online Haven for Your Little Ones

When it comes to your little ones venturing into the digital wilderness, McAfee LiveSafe 2020 is like a guiding hand. The Safe Family feature lets you set screen time limits, block unsuitable sites, and track your kids' locations. It's like having a virtual nanny, ensuring your kids can explore the digital realm safely.

Secure Cloud Storage: Your Treasure Vault

Your precious files, photos, and documents are the treasure of your digital kingdom. With McAfee LiveSafe 2020, you can store them securely in the cloud with the Personal Locker feature. It's like a treasure vault, locked with biometric protection, making sure your private files stay private.

System Requirements for McAfee LiveSafe 2020

To ensure that your devices are ready to host this digital fortress, here are the minimum and maximum system requirements:


  • Minimum: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, or 7 (32-bit & 64-bit), 1 GB RAM, 2 GB free drive space, 1 GHz Processor.
  • Maximum: Latest Windows version, 4 GB RAM or higher, more than 2 GB free drive space, 2 GHz Processor or faster.


  • Minimum: macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later, 2 GB RAM, 500 MB free drive space, Intel Core 2 Duo or faster.
  • Maximum: Latest macOS version, 4 GB RAM or higher, more than 500 MB free drive space, Intel Core i7 or faster.


  • Minimum: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or later.
  • Maximum: Latest Android version.


  • Minimum: iOS 10 or later.
  • Maximum: Latest iOS version.

With McAfee LiveSafe 2020, you can experience the digital world with confidence, knowing that you have a fortress of protection surrounding you and your loved ones.


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